Friday, June 25, 2010

Once there were two baby hummingbirds in the teeny tiny bird nest. Now only one baby is left and she will soon fly away. This is the second nest built by the flying engineering geniuses. I don't think they ever return to the nest once hey are able to fly. I wonder if there are any grade or middle schools that might like them for their science/nature classes.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Have you ever had a security alarm go off and scramble to get the code in to get the darn thing shut off? Not a good day for my eardrum. I think the trauma to my ears may be the reason I indulged in two cupcakes. At least that's a good excuse. My day spiraled from there. Hope yours was better than mine.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Here I am starting a blog and I have so many other things I should be doing. I could spend all day reading other blogs because they are so creative and inspiring. I wish I was just a teensy weensy bit as talented as so many of you out there in the bloggosphere (is that a word?).